Man Crush Monday: First Anime Crush

For the inaugural Man Crush Monday, what better way to kick it off with my First Anime Crush in history. I don’t know if one’s first crush ever gets old; I know mine surely doesn’t.  Sure I’ve added many more crushes to the list but the first will always be special, and I’m sure plenty of girls can agree with this one.

My first anime crush was, Mamoru Chiba/Darien Shields also known as Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon. Now, one of you *cough* melinanimeland *cough* got this right because this answer was found on the very first day of the 30 Day Anime Challenge. It’s pretty clear that Tuxedo Mask is the instigator of my beginnings as a fangirl and the development of  the “crushes” I get on good-looking well-drawn and well-designed 2D male characters (T_T)(>_<).



Looking back at it now though, 90’s Tuxedo Mask was far from a gentleman. Darien was a rude obnoxious condescending ass. He was so mean to Serena! Yet we were totally head over heels for this tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed ikemen. Well, I was, and it was the first time I thought, “wow, that’s a really cute character”. (Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, Gambit from the 90’s X-men was actually quite handsome – hey they came out around the same time!) Granted, Darien was mean spirited, but over time his cold-heart thaws when he realizes who he is and who and what Serena means to him.


However, in the manga and in Sailor Moon Crystal, Mamoru is depicted much differently. As someone thats not fully caught-up on Crystal these are just a few of my first impressions of his character. Mamoru is actually quiet, stoic, mysterious and studious. The mysteriousness of his character is due to his memory loss from a car accident as a child where he lost both his parents on his birthday. In reading his character profile online, it’s said that he shows extensive character development in the manga where he questions his identity, function and his true purpose, often times thinking he’s actually getting in the way of the Sailor Scouts (which makes me think it’s time to read the manga).


I much prefer the Mamoru in Sailor Moon Crystal; he seems much more mature and not to mention even more handsome than his previous 90’s counterpart! I love this character, because despite his memory loss the thing that keeps him going is his love and dedication for Usagi/Sailor Moon and he puts everything on the line for her.  Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, through all their troubles, have never given up on their pure love for one another. One of my favorite anime love stories and OTPs. These two have shown what unconditional love is all about; and impressed upon me as a young child what it meant to be a hopeless romantic and a daydreamer. My favorite versions of Mamoru and Usagi is when they’re depicted as Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity; forbidden lovers that secretly meet in the garden bathed in moonlight. Straight out of a fairy tale with an epic love story to boot! Fun Fact! Sailor Moon’s creator Naoko Takeuchi created Mamoru on her ideal of the perfect man.

Also, how can you not love the fact that the manga ends with this:

read right to left!

Total swoon moment!! It’s hard not to fangirl over Tuxedo Mask. He’s so suave and handsome solving crime in a Tuxedo for goodness sake! Using roses as weapons, and in Crystal he actually does do hand-to-hand combat! Major upgrade from the 90s version!  It’s hard not to love the guy; especially when he’s so so sweet in the final panels still spouting romantic lines at the love of his life on their wedding day, For all of eternity you will always be the most beautiful shining star of all”. 

38 thoughts on “Man Crush Monday: First Anime Crush

  1. Finally!! I have been waiting for this all day long!!😆 you were right this post was totally worth the wait!! I absolutely love this man, definitely one of my first anime crushes!!! 😍😍😍

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  2. ^She beat me 😢
    Lol ya, thanks to the challenge.
    Never been into Sailor Moon even if I do like the characters (don’t ask I’m weird like that) but I must say Tuxedo Mask caught my eye immediately. Such a fine looking man

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  3. The tsun tsun types are so entertaining!

    He was a jerk a lot, yeah, and he ganged up on Serena with Rini (a character I find so annoying, by the way).

    I’ve never seen Crystal, but I used to ship 90s Darien and Serena when I was a lot younger before I realized that she was 14 and he was like…what? In college? When I was a kid, I didn’t even think about it; now that I know, NOPE.

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    1. Yeah! I hated rini too! But in crystal they’re both in high school so it’s less creeper status of mamoru! And crystal follows the manga more I think so I dunno what the 90s were thinking putting Serena with a college guy lol

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  4. Yeah, Darian was probably my first anime crush but then I grew up and realised how mean he was for most of the first season and how useless he was for most seasons after that. Though, I did like Mamoru Chiba in Sailor Moon Crystal. Not really a crush because I don’t tend to have crushes on characters, but I definitely enjoyed watching him fall in love with Usagi.

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    1. lol he was pretty useless wasn’t he. He was also always getting kidnapped for Serena to save him. He was the damsel in distress of the series haha! Especially with the fact he never actually physically fought. Which was surprising when he did in his early episodes of Crystal. I was like yes! Finally! thanks for reading and for commenting 🙂

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      1. I also liked how many times he had to look after someone, or needed to look into something, or anything so that he wouldn’t be inovlved in the final action. They just came up with excuse after excuse to remove him from any major fight until season 5 essentially just knocked him off right from the start.

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        1. This is still the 90s version right? That never occurred to me, but you’re totally right! He was MIA for major fights! I think the only time he was around for final battle was his past self on the moon kingdom.


          1. Pretty much. Because otherwise someone might have had to admit that Darien was a better fighter than Serena and then Sailor Moon wouldn’t be the heroine anymore.

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          2. Hmmm that’s a pretty solid point. They couldn’t have the man save the day; that would defeat the purpose of Sailor Moon. That’s probably why they never showed him actually getting into fights haha!

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  5. He’s my second anime crush! The first being Killua. Haha! Anyway, I don’t remember much of what happens in Sailor Moon but that’s one of my first anime series. Now I’m thinking of watching Crystal because of this. 😀

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  6. I fucking hated him so much in the original series even as a kid. My first crush was def Haruka from SM and also Shaoran Li from CCSakura, because he was such an ass.
    I wanted her to get with the guy purpuing her in the Stars arc.
    The manga changed how i felt about him, but that was way later!
    I still found him gorgeous and handsome when he was quiet or as Endymion ofc. Also all the other bad guyyyys 👌👌
    Need to continue Crystal since they did seem to have fixed his jerk attitude heh
    Also him being in college as like 19-20, driving a car and her crying, wailing and being 14 was major creep factor when i stopped being 8 and was a teenager myself. Lel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lolol yes he was creeper status in the 90s! But I didnt realize the age gap till much later; thankfully it’s fixed in crystal. They’re closer in age! And umm yes he’s still totally handsome even with his character flaws…i need to read the manga!!!


      1. Let’s never forget him and chibiusa, with her being his daughter, and all the kissing and way too close in affections either.
        So creeper, pedophile and incestuous, smh
        Crystal can look ugly sometimes, but it also fixed some really needed parts, bless 👌
        He is handsome, just he’s a bang and drop them in the 90’s show, cause no way I’d have patience for his douchery 😹😹😹
        Read it and make a post about iiit!

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        1. yes! That’s actually the one thing I really really hated was the whole overly affectionate thing. I found Chibusa to be annoying as hell too!!! gahhh! That’s why I’m hesitant to finish crystal because that traumatized how I viewed my crush in the 90s! Tuxedo Mask will forever be the first crush that brought me hope but also devastated me LOL


          1. Ooh i do remember being super into the pegasus dude, i wanted to ride him, and it wasn’t him as a pegasus (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
            He was too good for chibiusa, that little cunt fist seduced the father and then the horse, smh, the original brony fucker 😹😹😹
            I haven’t finished S1 either, i don’t want remember chibiusa and all the weird incest yikes
            Maybe they removed or fixed it tho? Hmm
            tuxedo too hardcore for us
            Imagine him using those roses during sex, just yikes NO

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  7. Sailor moon was the first anime i ever saw, having been in elementary school in the 90’s when the first season aired on YTV. I only ever saw the first season, but I remember loving Tuxedo Mask and the love story between him and Serena/Sailor Moon.

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      1. I wish i could say i was drawn in then, but i wasn’t. After seeing Sailor Moon, I thought all anime was the same and didn’t watch it again until i was an adult and a new friend talked me into watching GetBackers. Well, I’ve been loving anime ever since and have really discovered the vastness of it.i also branched out into manga.

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        1. Oh I’m so glad you were able to give anime another try! Yes, the genre is so wide that there would’ve been something to appeal to you! I’ve not heard of GetBackers – I’ll have to look into it! And yay, manga too! I recently started reading more manga; what are you currently reading? Any favorites?


          1. This month I will be reading Inu X Boku. A couple favorites are Fruits Basket, Kamisama Kiss, Hellsing, and Berserk, among others

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