ANI-Reality : Yuri!!! On Ice

Ever since episode 10 came out I’ve really been wanting to write this post. Not only did this episode have Viktor narrarating it; it had many of us fangirling over Viktor and Yuri’s ring exchange as well as the epicness of the pictures/video of Yuri at the ending credit sequence. But a lot of my own fangirling came from the amount of Architecture that was featured in this episode!

Europe holds some of the most fascinating pieces of architectural history. Heck, Europe’s rich history of architecture is kind of what drew me into this career to begin with.  There were quite a few masterpieces featured in Episode 10 in the city of Barcelona, which has been on my bucket list of traveling for as long as I can remember. One day though, one day.

Most of Barcelonas’ Architecture featured was designed by prominent Architect Antoni Gaudi. Gaudi was the best known practioner of Catalan Modernism. A movement in art, literature, but mostly expressed in architecture. His passions in life included: architecture, religion and nature. He drew inspiration mostly from nature as he was obsessed with organic forms, which is showcased in his work. He also wasn’t much of a pen and paper guy when it came to visualizing his ideas. He truly worked with sculpting and building scale models.


To start off this whirwind of architectural features, our beloved Phichit takes a selfie and so does Viktor and Yuri, in front of Sagrada Familia, Gaudi’s final masterpiece. Gaudí wanted to construct a building that would make an impact on the skyline, but also show his respect for the work of God, which in his opinion should never be superseded by man. La Sagrada familia is a mix of two architectural styles: Gothic and Art Nouveau. The premliminary concept of the Sagrada Familia is quite interesting, he used a Funicular Model, in which he would suspend metal chains and weights from the ceilings to create catenary curves that would when flipped upside down would result in an optimally designed arch that distributes the weight. He would actually hang chains from chains creating a very fluid design. Construction on La Sagrada Familia started in 1882; Gaudi took the lead designer position in 1883 after the previous architect resigned. The construction of the church has been slow as the funding for it comes from private donations, and was put on hold during the Spanish Civil War. Only a quarter of the construction had been completed at the time of Gaudi’s death in  1926, and construction had met its halfway point in 2010. It’s expected to be completed in 2026.


When Viktor and Yuri are out shopping and being tourits; in the background we see Gaudi’s Casa Batllo located in the center of Barcelona. It’s facade (face of building) is decorated with a mosaic of different colored broken tiles. The local name of this building is Casa Dels Osos (House of Bones) due to the organic quality of some of the elements.


In the scene where Otabek and Yurio escape his fanclub they go somewhere and have a talk on the roof of the building. This is actually Gaudi’s Park Guell: a public park encompassing many architectural elements and different gardens. The park is currently listed under UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. Park Guell culminates Gaudi’s personal style inspired by organic natural forms. He also put into practice a structural system that came from his study and understanding of geometry, creating a multitude of forms and volumes, as well as spaces that were from the rigid rationality that is most often found in classic european architecture.


In one of our favorite scenes, our favorite couple exchange rings in front of The Cathedral of Barcelona. This cathedral, like most cathedrals in Europe are of the Gothic architectural style. This wasn’t designed by Gaudi, but I felt it was important to include this one as it was a pretty touching scene – exchanging rings as the church bells ring. *swoon* I feel like this was probably included as significant to the history of spain as the Archbishop of Barcelona sits here. The church was built in the 13th to 15th centuries and new facade was built in the 19th century over the exisiting facade.

Typically I would point out on an interactive map where this would be located but since I featured so many buildings that I have to do a screen shot of where they are relative to one another:


I hope to make it out to these places and get my own photos! Not sure when I’ll plan it, but it’ll happen in this lifetime.  Have you guys seen these places? If there were any other buildings that stood out to you on the show, send me a screenshot and I’ll try to find out it’s history and include it in another post!

35 thoughts on “ANI-Reality : Yuri!!! On Ice

  1. Living in Europe myself, I have never been to Barcelona myself. A friend of mine calls it one of the most awesome cities in the world though. Looking at these pictures, I can pretty much understand why she would say that. Still, the first thing on my Bucket list is visiting an Asian country. This will have to wait for another day. Really enjoyed reading this post though: this truly takes a lot of research 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh I’ve only seen some of France and Italy! I haven’t seen any other countries 😦 lol and luckily, I have a good visual memory when it comes to buildings so picking them up and naming them and the architect doesn’t get too bad-but writing up some of the backstory does take more research. *sigh* but I managed it before midnight my time! So I’m very proud of myself for posting it the same day I started it. Now if only I can do that with the other posts…🤔

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      1. Haha, well I have been to France, Belgium abd Germany myself (and ofcourse my own country Holland lol😂), but otherwise I still have many places to visit as well. Haha, as for the posts getting finished on time: no worries. The most important part is having fun, and as long as you keep doing that, don’t worry about keeping a schedule 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Haha yes I’m having fun doing all these but knowing me I tend to start things n not finish it hence why I was like I gotta get it done. Ahh so many destinations to see! Could also be a novel alongside the anime novel hahahaha!


  2. This was a super unique and interesting post! Really enjoyed it!

    I actually went to Barcelona earlier this year in the Summer while cruising around Europe and I managed to see just about all of these places. I have to say it was awesome and I’d recommend seeing the sights to anyone!

    I’d love to see more posts like this in the future. This was good fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh man that’s super awesome! I’m jealous you got to see these in person. Within the next few years I should really try to make it out there. And yes, I’m trying to make this a series. So far, it’s only been my third post if this kind. But I’m hoping as i continue to watch more I’ll find more buildings that stand out significantly. I think I missed a few others from Yuri, so I may have to circle back to it. I have a running list of things I’ve spotted in shows written in my blogging notebook. Yay! I’m really glad you enjoy this series! 😀 but now I’m working on my best of 2016 awards much like yours! I’ll be linking back to yours for it too lol 🙂 thanks again for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d definitely recommend it if you can, the sights are just so beautiful up close and great for photo opportunities!

        I’d definitely be up for seeing more posts like this for other shows, that’d be really awesome!

        And oh nice one! I’m really looking forward to that! And thanks for that too!

        And no problem, as always it’s a pleasure to read your stuff!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Came for the anime, stayed for the amazing posts, insignts, and now architecture and history! 👏👏👏
    I live in Portugal and i love that we actually protect and preserve really old architecture here. You can actually find one or so building from the Iron era here, and some ruins ofc.
    Loved this post, your insight made it even richer, I’ve never visited those but I’d love to travel tbh 😻😻😻


  4. I love it when anime manages to show the real world though it is a bit disconcerting sometimes when it looks close to the real thing but not quite right. That said, Yuri definitely made me want to travel (though almost everything does because I love seeing new things).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this post. I’m always intrigued when anime shows real world locations, as I pointed out in my Sound of the Sky review. You’ve done a good bit of research here, and I really enjoyed reading it. Great post!

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      1. I was rewatching Trinity Blood the other day and I saw they featured the Sagrada Familia in the episode “Silent Noise” also. It seems like the building to show if a scene is set in Barcelona 😛

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        1. Trinity Blood…I don’t think I’ve seen that one. Oh and yay that’s Interesting! Yes it is quite the monument for Barcelona!! I’ll have to keep an eye out for that! Thanks for the tip! 😀 I’m really happy you left this comment!

          Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve never been out and about to Barcelona BUT I can say for sure that it is absolutely gorgeous and that YOI did a pretty nice job in incorporating the magic of the land into its own story. Fantastic compilation here, and those church bells, ooh! *also swoons*

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Is this the post you mentioned?! This was a fantastic read! I learned a lot about the architecture of Barcelona. I really loved how you juxtaposed the actual real life structures with their YOI counterparts.

    Will you be doing more posts like this in the future? I’d love to read more about the architecture in some other anime series too.

    Awesome post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes this was what I talked about! And yes yes I will definitely be doing more posts like this! This is the 3rd post I’ve done in my ani-reality series 🙂 and I’m still working on putting together the fantasy Friday posts. That will kick off in the new year! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Awww gee shucks! I’m glad you like it! I’m all about architectural history and theory so I felt it best to incorporate it in my blog! I’m glad you are thoroughly enjoying it! I had a lot of fun doing it! 😀

          Liked by 1 person

    1. awww thanks!! 😀 I really appreciate that! I’m really glad you enjoyed the post! 😀 Hmm, and its quite possible it’s a church meant to always be in construction-it’s incredibly ambitious! 😀 Thanks for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Yuri on Ice is one of those anime that inspired me to want to travel, I would love to see these places! Thanks for all the info, it made an interesting read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank YOU for reading and commenting! 😀 I’m glad you enjoyed it – I have a lot of fun writing these ANI-Reality posts so I’m really happy everyone seems to enjoy it! I also want to travel to see these places! One day!

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  9. I love how realistic the places they featured in YOI. I wish to be able to see the day when Sagrada Familia is finally complete. Not anytime soon, though, from what it looks like. Very fun post to read, Hazelyn!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a wonderful post (I finally got around to reading it after sharing your link with December’s OWLS tour)! I really enjoyed learning about the architecture in Yuri on Ice, what a treat! I wonder what inspired them to include so many of Gaudi’s works in this episode… is it that they’re super iconic works, that someone making the background decisions for the show likes Gaudi, or is it that the episode also features wonders by other architects? Any thoughts on these questions?

    Also, I am now fascinated by that church that has been under construction since the 1800’s! I was upset that you kept talking about its construction in present-tense until you revealed that it is still being worked on… Incredible!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh these are all great questions! I’m glad you really enjoyed this! But, to try to answer a few, Barcelona is home to a majority of Gaudi’s buildings; he has about 14 projects alone in that city. Of those the three I talked about here are probably his most iconic buildings because of the types of shapes and colors he used in this architecture. And given so much of his work is in Barcelona, In some cases I guess it could be said that Gaudi has become synonymous with Barcelona. The places picked in this episode are what I would perceive to be as the top tourist destinations of anyone that visits Barcelona, so I think for Victor and Yuuri to stop by these areas of interest as visitors makes complete sense too 🙂 I couldn’t find any other reference to other famous buildings outside of the church in which they exchanged their rings. and that wasn’t a Gaudi building.

      Yes, Sagrada Familia is STILL under construction! Its crazy how long its been worked on. But I’m glad the present-tense tone was clarified later.

      I hope this answered your questions in some shape or form 🙂

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